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The Northborough and Southborough Public Schools are committed to the provision of an exceptional educational experience for every student in a safe environment. We respond to this mission as a Student Support Services Team with a philosophy of inclusion that influences our instructional model and ensures that every person, regardless of ability or background, can meaningfully participate in all aspects of life

Student Support Services provides a full complement of robust professional development and consultative services to support our building based teams who service students from ages 3 to 22. We also provide ongoing consultation to our professional staff to support their practices in providing academic and mental health curriculum and strategies to students.

General education supports include access to Nurses, School Psychologists, and Guidance Counselors. For those students who meet mandated eligibility criteria for special education and related services, supports are provided by Special Education Teachers, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, School Adjustment Counselors, Behavior Specialists, School Psychologists and other specialized supports and programming as determined by the Team.

Communication and community outreach continue to be important areas of focus in Student Support Services. Our avenues for communication include a Providers’ Symposium Forum, Northborough-Southborough Parent Advisory Council, our school website, and parent coffeehouses and trainings.  


Student Support Directory

Marie Alan

Director of Student Support

Kate Clark

Assistant Director of Student Support

Helene Desjardins

Assistant Director of Student Support

Jennifer Henry

Early Childhood Administrator

Deb Lemieux

Assistant Director of Student Support

Juliana Silva

Administrative Assistant