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Strategic Plan - Vision 2026

Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough
Educate • Inspire • Challenge 




Empowering Learners Icon

Empowering Learners

Implement instructional practices that engage students in developing and demonstrating their knowledge and skills through rigorous, innovative, and relevant learning experiences.


Equity of Opportunity Icon

Equity of Opportunity

Provide all students access to challenging and culturally responsive learning experiences that meet their individual needs.


Healthy and Balanced Learners Icon

Healthy and Balanced Learners

Prioritize social, emotional, and physical well-being of students.


Educator Learning and Leadership Icon

Educator Learning and Leadership

Demonstrate continual growth through professional collaboration.


Finance and Operations to Support Teaching and Learning Icon

Finance and Operations to Support Teaching and Learning

Develop, support and operate sustainable, functional, and well-maintained schools.



NSboro 2024-2025 Action Plan

2024-2025 Action Plan