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Preschool Screening Process

Admission to the Preschool Programs

The preschool entrance requirements are as follows:

  • Children who have been identified as having special needs and are on an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) will attend the preschool program recommended by the child’s special education TEAM.  The IEP TEAM includes the parents.


  • General education students who are not on an IEP need to be at least 3 years of age on or before August 31st.  General education students can participate in the preschool program until they are age eligible for kindergarten.  Children must be residents of Northborough or Southborough.  General Education students must be fully potty trained and able to manage toileting needs independently.


  • General education students participate in a screening process by the preschool team to assess their development.  Not all children screened may be offered a slot in a preschool classroom.  Enrollment is based on availability of slots and classroom composition.  When there are more general education children than slots, a waiting list is created.  Parents are notified when a slot becomes available.


  • General education students are screened on a designated day in January.  Information about the screening day is publicized on the district’s website, in elementary school newsletters, and in other community locations and publications General education children are screened using various developmentally appropriate screening tools.  Screenings are carried out by the preschool team which may include the preschool teacher, speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, early childhood administrator, and physical therapist.  General education children are expected to demonstrate developmentally appropriate language skills, socialization and play skills, emotional regulation skills as well as gross motor and fine motor ability.


  • In the spring, parents receive a letter from the Early Childhood Administrator stating the outcome of their child’s preschool screening. If a child is accepted into the program, the preschool team will try to honor the parent's request to place them in the classroom schedule which is their first choice.  It’s important to note that parents may not get their first choice as the teachers must also take into consideration gender balance and other factors which influence class composition and student success.


  • If a child is not accepted into the program, he/she may go through the preschool screening process the following year.  If, by chance, openings become available in the fall, another preschool screening is scheduled and parents are contacted to participate if interested.


  • The preschool team appreciates parents’ understanding of the preschool screening process.  Should parents have any questions regarding this process, Jennifer Henry, Early Childhood Administrator for the Northborough and Southborough Public Schools, is available to respond to those questions at (508) 485-3176 x63104.