Parent/Teacher Communication
Each class has an orientation prior to the first day of school. (Please refer to your child's teacher letter for date/time.)
Parent/teacher communication takes the form of newsletters and daily activity sheets. Parents receive regular communications/newsletters that contain information about upcoming events, snacks, special programs and volunteer opportunities.
Open communication is a valued commodity. Parents should contact their child’s teacher with any comments, questions, concerns or other relevant information regarding their child.
E-mail is an effective way to reach out to a teacher or therapist to alert them of your desire to share information or ask a question. Please remember that teachers and therapists do not typically access email during the school day. Email is also not a confidential way to communicate, so please limit email exchanges in accordance with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year. Please see each school's dates for conferences listed in the current school year.
Conferences may also be held at other times if a concern or development arises or when a parent makes this request.
Parent Volunteers
Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s classroom. Each preschool teacher communicates with parents regarding opportunities to participate in activities and field trips. All volunteers must fill out a CORI form available in the main office. A CORI should be completed at least two weeks before planning to volunteer.